I completly disagree with all of the things said about Britney Spears. I also strongly believe the media would say and write anything just to get a story, and get noticed. There's magazines, than there's articles in newspapers. You'd agree with me that it's one story after another. Since Britney is a singer, shouldn't she be treated as one? She's basically getting harrased and criticized by the media everywhere she goes. Her fans tend to agree with the media, therefore adding more fuel to the fire. She's a singer! Why should people care about her body figure? They shouldn't. It's the talent that matters. Right? Britney has had 2 kids, addictions, and lots of stress. Why does all of this matter also? The media should give her a break. The media makes it worse by not leaving her alone and worst of all, making things up. I have faith in Britney, and believe she's changed alot in a way. She quit her addictions, still managed to have a good body figure after 2 kids, and not so much stress. Britney shouldn't listen to the media. If she were to read what I said here, I bet she'd agree with me. I believe it's false, and they do it just to gain money, and popularity. Overall, I believe she had alot of courage to come up on that stage and make a comback!
Britney's Comeback.
Britney's Comeback.
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